The first-timer participant of the Exhibition of Subsea Tie Back (SSTB), but not the newbies to the subsea and O&G(Oil and Gas) territory.
DWTEK represents Taiwan’s subsea industry align with international experts and professionals this year, bringing you the techs and products that reflect their accumulated 20 years of experiences and knowledge. You might want to check our underwater thrusters, connectors and ROV latch at booth number 618.
Over the recent years, we have significantly expanded its business horizons. This year, we've joined hands with three new authorized global distributors, a wide array of underwater connectors is now available for purchase in local areas. At SSTB, attendees can experience our products firsthand, interact with representatives, and gain deeper insights into their technology.
Beyond producing subsea connectors and thrusters, DWTEK is an expert in ROV innovation and subsea components such as latch systems, underwater cameras, LED lighting, servos, and sensors. The company's ability to offer a wide spectrum of underwater products, saves time and streamlines procurement for clients.