DWTEK Vessel Fleet

As a premium vessel chartering service provider, we offer OSV(Offshore Service Vessel) and CTV(Crew Transfer Vessel) rental services: 

1. OSV(Offshore Service Vessel): Sunny Bright

2. CTV(Crew Transfer Vessel): P1 and P2 

OSV Sunny Bright

DP1 (Class 1 Dynamic Positioning System) offshore service vessel, capable of various supporting tasks during all life cycles of wind farms including crew transfer, survey, ROV platform, and buoy deployment.

Sunny Bright Service Scope 

  • Buoy deployment both inshore & offshore
  • Deployment of subsea sensors and measuring devices
  • ROV offshore wind farm support
  • Cargo delivery
  • Bunkering 
  • Marine mammal observation (MMO)
  • Guarding vessel
  • Cable inspection, repair & maintenance (IRM)
  • Pre-Lay Grapnel Run (PLGR)
  • Hydrographic survey
  • Geophysical and geotechnical survey
  • Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) survey
  • Cabling route survey
  • Diving support vessel (DSV)

We encourage you to contact our colleagues for more information and details.
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